Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 11 - 49% Complete

Today my failure rate was 36%. I think this is a good thing because it means I'm hitting new content.

I started watching some new anime series: Fairy Tail and The Twelve Kingdoms. I watch with subtitles on (at least once per episode) and I've noticed my comprehension is much higher than I expected it to be. I'm not sure if this is an effect of my recent studying or not since I don't typically watch anime. It must help though, even a little.

I'm looking forward to completing this challenge with only 12 days left. I think I might speed up and take on more than 100 new sentences per day so I can finish early. What I've noticed with learning sentences this way is that reviews are not as time sensitive as more difficult content such as Kanji stoke order or readings. After you've learned a sentence once you don't need to see it again right away assuming you know all of the words and are simply learning new verb conjugations or grammar. The goal isn't to memorize sentences but to read and understand them fluently (without thinking in English). It seems that over time you will start using the new patterns and conjugations naturally.

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